The mantis client is highly flexible and it's behavior at runtime can be controlled through its configuration files.

All mantis configuration files live in the conf folder under the application root folder.



This is the entry point for the application configuration, it points the application at the mantis.conf file, and passes some a stack size to the JVM. This is required to allow the EVM a sufficient stack size.

-Dconfig.file=./conf/mantis.conf -Dlogback.configurationFile=./conf/logback.xml -J-Xss10M

More JVM parameters can be added here.

Note that this ini file is only relevant on linux and MacOS, on Windows the mantis_config.txt is picked up and serves the same role.


The mantis conf file is the umbrella file from where all other configuration files are included. Note that to make life easier the configuration for the morden testnet is pre configured and to enable it the include morden.conf line must be un commented.

# This is the main configuration file for the Mantis ETC client.
# It consist of series of includes where actual settings are defined.

# This where all the default settings are defined (this file is packaged within the executable).
# It should always go at the top.
include "application.conf"

# The following include are where users are expected to defined their own configuration overrides.
# To override a setting, go to a specific file, uncomment a setting and provide a value.
include "network.conf"
include "storage.conf"
include "blockchain.conf"
include "sync.conf"
include "misc.conf"

# Uncomment the following include to connect to the testnet Morden.
# Note that any settings in this file will override the ones defined in the files above
# include "morden.conf"

network, storage, blockchain, misc and sync are logically grouped configuration parameters to make working with the configuration easier for the user.


This file controls the level of logging to both the console and file. By default a useful level of logging is directed to the console and slightly more verbose logging is logged to file. The file is named mantis.log. The policy for preventing the file from growing too large is controlled by rollingPolicy in this file. By default an archive of ten zip files of logs is maintained. More info on logback.xml here

Common Configuration Options

This section details how to change some of the more common configuration options.

Data Folder

By default the blockchain and all other files that mantis creates are stored in the users home folder under a sub folder called .mantis. This setting is found in the storage.conf file.

# datadir = ${user.home}"/.mantis"

In order to change this setting un comment this line and replace the value. For example to change the datadir to /data/my_mantis replace the above line with the following ...

datadir = "/data/my_mantis"


By default the discovery functionality is active. The network is queried for more potential nodes using a partial implementation of the kadelmia discovery protocol. To prevent this and use only the bootstrap nodes as listed in the network.conf there is a line.

# discovery-enabled = true

This commented out line shows the default value for the discovery protocol (true). To disable discovery un comment it and change the value to false.

discovery-enabled = false

Fast Sync

By default fast sync is enabled, to disable this edit the sync.conf and locate the following line

# do-fast-sync = true

Un comment the line and replace 'true' with 'false'

do-fast-sync = false


By default the database is pruned of state trie nodes no longer needed, to prevent this functionality and keep all intermediate state nodes edit the storage.conf file and replace

# mode = "basic"


mode = "archive"