
A Java Virtual Machine with version 1.8.x.

A Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is required to run the client. The version must be 1.8.x. The client has not been tested with JVM 1.9.

To check the JVM version use java -version. For example

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b11, mixed mode)

Check the output for 64-Bit!!!

Disk Space

The database for the Ethereum Classic chain takes approximately 15G of disk space. Appropriate overhead will be needed for the chain to grow into the future. An SSD of at least 25G is recommended.

Memory (RAM)

The mantis client has been tested extensively on EC small instances with 2G of RAM. This is sufficient to run the client and the miner.


The Client Binary

This client is distributed as a zip archive and can be downloaded from the releases section of the github repository.

The Bootstrap Database (Optional)

A bootstrap database has been created to allow users to shortcut the process of syncing the client for the purposes of testing.

This file is available for download at

Checksum the Bootstrap Database Archive

When the file is fully downloaded run the following command

CertUtil -hashfile MD5

This should result in a line identical to the following ...


Compare the results of the line on your terminal to the above line, the checksum should be identical.

The default folder for data is %HOME%\.mantis. In order to use the downloaded database create this folder and cd into it. Then unzip the file using...

unzip <path to zip file>\

Install the Client

Unzip the client archive file downloaded from the previous section. This will create a folder structure as follows -


The lib folder contains all the jars required to run the client, the conf folder contains the configuration files needed to alter the user settings of the client and the bin folder contains the scripts to start the client.

Run the Client

From the mantis-0.3-cli-beta folder use


This command will run the client with settings as dictated in the conf folder files.

Changing the Default Settings

Following the instructions outlined above including using the bootstrap database should result in a startup similar to the following

The first block should be around 4.1 million as this is where the snapshot was taken. If you have not used the snapshot database the block count will begin at 0.

The default datadir is %HOME%/.mantis. To change this edit the storage.conf file in the conf folder.

Un-comment the datadir configuration and replace the value with the preferred value.

datadir = ${user.home}"/.mantis"